This book deals without mincing its words or moralising with a crucial subject that many people are at pains to avoid: the innate differences between the peoples of the world.
Not physical differences but the far more important character differences.
It distinguishes between the southern and northern peoples of the world and constructs two opposing stereotypes. The reasoning is therefore approximate.
However, since no one nowadays dares reflect on these issues, any reflection, even approximate, on character differences brings to light important and easily verifiable new elements,
which provide answers to unresolved but highly pertinent questions.
Why are democracies found in the North and so many authoritarian regimes in the South? Why is inflation common in southern countries? Same question for corruption.
Are we really headed towards the sunlit uplands where all the world's peoples adopt shared values of equality, freedom and democracy, or are these values not universal but rather confined to the "North"?
Light is shed on the plain and simple reasons for Italy's economic decline, namely the alignment of a predominantly northern production system with an increasingly southern regulatory framework.
The most striking aspect of this analysis is that it does not rely on complex reasoning to construct the two stereotypes, but rather on the compellingly simple logic of natural selection.
Over thousands or tens of thousands of years this has generated innate differences between the individualistic disposition of northern peoples ready to engage with Nature in their cold and harsh living conditions,
and the more sociable southerners ready to interact with much more densely populated communities.
Mario Fabbri, a scholar of human sciences, was born in Novara in 1949.
After graduating in electronic engineering from Turin Polytechnic and getting an MBA at INSEAD in Fontainebleau,
in 1975 he joined the confectionery group FERRERO where he held various positions, latterly organising an in-house
division providing IT services to Group companies worldwide .
In 1995, with two partners in Turin, he founded Directa SIMpA (,
world pioneer of online trading in the financial markets and still sector leader in Italy. He is Directa’s Vice-president.
He has published in Italian: in 2013 La fabbrica delle illusioni [Factory of delusions], about the severe faults of current economic theories,
and in 2015 La rovina delle nazioni [The downfall of nations], about the collapse of some ancient civilisations and the less serious but
somewhat similar 17th century economic downturn of Southern Europe.
"Questione di latitudine. Si, i meridionali e i settentrionali sono diversi"
Vittorio Feltri
LIBERO - Libero Pensiero
Saturday 6th November 2021
Sud senza retorica “Le balle sulla competitività,
le sfide per le imprese e poi il
Pnrr. Un libro per riflettere"
Stefano Cingolani
Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th October 2021